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Install ErsatzTV

ErsatzTV is available as Docker images and as pre-built binary packages for Windows (x64), MacOS (x64, arm64) and Linux (x64, arm64, arm).

Docker Images

Docker Pull Count

Latest Release Tags

Base (software transcoding): jasongdove/ersatztv:latest

Nvidia hardware-accelerated transcoding: jasongdove/ersatztv:latest-nvidia

VAAPI (Intel, AMD) hardware-accelerated transcoding: jasongdove/ersatztv:latest-vaapi

Development Tags

Development tags update much more frequently, but have the potential to be less stable than releases.

Base (software transcoding): jasongdove/ersatztv:develop

Nvidia hardware-accelerated transcoding: jasongdove/ersatztv:develop-nvidia

VAAPI (Intel, AMD) hardware-accelerated transcoding: jasongdove/ersatztv:develop-vaapi


1. Download the latest container image

docker pull jasongdove/ersatztv

2. Create a directory to store configuration data

mkdir /path/to/config

3. Create and run a container

docker run -d \
--name ersatztv \
-e TZ=America/Chicago \
-p 8409:8409 \
-v /path/to/config:/root/.local/share/ersatztv \
-v /path/to/local/media:/path/to/local/media:ro \
--restart unless-stopped \

4. To limit the writing to an SSD drive you can add a Temporary File System by adding this line to your docker container before the line jasongdove/ersatztv

  --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/root/.local/share/etv-transcode \

Unraid Docker

  1. Install the Commuinity Applications plugin by pasting the following URL in the Plugins / Install Plugin section of UnRAID

    Community Applications Install

  2. Click on the Apps tab in UnRAID, search for ersatztv, and click the install button.

    Search Community Applications ErsatzTV

  3. Choose an appropriate branch (Use vaapi for video acceleration for AMD GPUs and Intel CPUs with QuickSync, use nvidia for video acceleration for nVidia GPUs)

    ErsatzTV Docker branches VAAPI and nVidia branches are for hardware acceleration. See latest release tags

  4. Map your path to ErsatzTV configuration data

    Media Mapping

  5. Add another path for each media share

    Media Mapping

  6. OPTIONAL In advanced view, add extra parameters for video acceleration. NOTE The nVidia-Driver plugin must be installed prior to this step.

    Adding video acceleration options

  7. Open your browser to http://[docker-ip]:8409 (First run may take a few minutes to be available.)

Development Builds

Development builds for all supported architectures can be found on the develop release. As with the docker development tags, the development builds are updated with every push to the main branch and have the potential to be less stable than releases.


Manual Installation

  1. Create a folder ersatztv at your preferred install location.
  2. Download and extract the latest release from GitHub to the ersatztv folder.
  3. Run ErsatzTV-Windows.exe
  4. Use the tray menu to open the UI, view logs or exit


Manual Installation

  1. Download the .dmg from the latest release from GitHub
  2. Open the .dmg and drag ErsatzTV to the Applications folder
  3. Double-click the ErsatzTV application
  4. Use the tray menu to open the UI, view logs or exit


Manual Installation

  1. Create a folder ersatztv at your preferred install location.
  2. Download and extract the latest release from GitHub to the ersatztv folder.
  3. Run ErsatzTV
  4. Open your browser to http://[server-ip]:8409